October Newsletter: 5 Tips for a Smooth Recovery After LASIK Surgery

October Newsletter: 5 Tips for a Smooth Recovery After LASIK Surgery

Woman no longer needs glasses after LASIK.

5 Tips for a Smooth Recovery After LASIK Surgery

Looking forward to clearer vision after LASIK (laser in-situ keratomileusis) surgery? These five tips are the keys to a trouble-free LASIK recovery.

Go Makeup Free

Put away your eye makeup for the first week after LASIK surgery. Small particles in mascara, eyeliner, and eye shadow could enter your eye as you apply these products, increasing your risk of irritation or infection. Don't use moisturizer or lotion around your eyes either for the first week.

Consider buying brand-new products when you resume wearing eye makeup. Your old eyeliner, mascara, and eye shadow may harbor bacteria that could enter your eye through the flap your ophthalmologist made in your cornea. Although the flaps heal quickly, infections are still possible. When you begin using eye products again, be gentle. Avoid rubbing or putting pressure on your eyes when you apply or remove eye makeup.

Unlike eye makeup, foundation can be worn a few days after your procedure, as long as you keep it away from your eyes.

Be Careful Around Water

Keeping water out of your eyes is important during the LASIK recovery period. Although you can shower the day after surgery, you'll need to be careful. Keep your eyes closed when you shower to prevent water, soap, shampoo, or conditioner from entering your eyes.

Swimming in pools, lakes, rivers, or the ocean or soaking in hot tubs should be avoided for two weeks. Bacteria in rivers, lakes, or oceans could cause an infection, while chlorine in pools and hot tubs may irritate your eyes.

Don't Rub

When your eyes burn or itch, it's only natural to want to rub them. Unfortunately, rubbing your eyes can dislodge your flaps, causing infections and other complications. Keeping your hands away from your eyes is good advice before and after LASIK surgery.

Rubbing your eyes can also transfer germs from your hands to your eyes, but that's not the only problem with the habit. According to the Cleveland Clinic, rubbing could worsen your allergies if pollen or other allergens are on your hands when you rub your eyes.

Protect Your Eyes

You'll leave the surgical center wearing protective eye shields. Although you can take the shields off the day after surgery, you must wear them at night. When the shields are in place, you won't have to worry about bumping your eyes while you sleep or accidentally rubbing your eyes. Wear the shields to sleep for one to two weeks, depending on your ophthalmologist's recommendations.

Is exercise part of your daily routine? You'll need to make a few changes to your usual schedule after LASIK. Although you can resume mild exercise a few days after the procedure, you may need to spend more time on the bench if you enjoy strenuous sports. For example, you might be able to play tennis as soon as a few days to a week after your procedure, but will need to wait a few weeks before participating in contact sports, like football, boxing, or karate.

When you return to the playing field or ring, goggles will help you protect your eyes. Be sure to ask your ophthalmologist when it's safe for you to resume working out or playing sports.

Limit Screen Time

Take a break from screens, including smartphones, laptop, and desktop computers, TVs and tablets during the first day after LASIK surgery. As your eyes heal, you may notice that they're a little dryer than normal, which can increase irritation when you view screens. Many people experience dry eye symptoms after the surgery, although the problem usually only lasts about a month, according to a 2018 article published in Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science.

Blinking more often and using the lubricating eye drops recommended by your eye doctor will help keep your eyes comfortable when using screens. Frequent breaks are also important. In addition to taking 15-minute breaks every few hours, take mini breaks every 20 minutes. During these short breaks, look at an object 20 feet in the distance for 20 seconds.

Interested in improving your vision with LASIK? Contact our office to schedule an appointment with the ophthalmologist.


Cleveland Clinic: The Dangers of Rubbing Itchy Eyes, 3/18/2024


Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science: Dry Eye After Lasik, 11/2018


Medical News Today: What to Know About LASIK Recovery and Side Effects


Refractive Surgery Council: LASIK Recovery Time: What to expect after LASIK?, 5/19/2016


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